#RiseToTheChallenge: Complete Your Bayt.com Profile

The summer sun is getting hotter, but your job search is getting much colder…Don't sweat it! Bayt.com's #RiseToTheChallenge is here to turn up the heat on your career hunt! This month, we're taking a 31-day adventure that will transform you from a resume-throwing hopeful into a confident, strategic job market pro. 

Every day in July, we'll unveil a quick and fiery challenge that tackles a crucial aspect of your job search. Think optimizing your profile, mastering Bayt.com's search like a pro, and crafting a CV that leaves a lasting impression. Now, let’s kick off with the first challenge - Complete your Bayt.com profile.

Will completing my Bayt.com profile help me find a job?

In today's competitive job market, standing out can be tough. Completing your Bayt.com profile will help you boost your professional presence and rank higher in the applicant pool. A polished profile increases your visibility to employers who headhunt through CV searches, even without posting jobs. Plus, it helps Bayt.com recommend jobs that match your skills, making your job hunt easier and more effective!

Follow these simple steps to take on the challenge:

  • Day #1 - Reach 80% profile completeness

To get started on completing your Bayt.com profile, make sure you fill out at least 80% of the required fields. This includes your email, mobile number, preferred job, latest or current experience, and a professional photo. A well-rounded profile shows potential employers that you’re dedicated to your career and committed to establishing a strong professional brand.

What you should do:

  • Open your Bayt.com app, OR log in to your Bayt.com account
  • Go to your profile tab OR your CV page
  • Click on the “Profile Strength” button at the bottom of the screen and fill out the required fields, OR fill out the fields listed on the “Improve your profile” card

*Bayt.com will show you a progress bar indicating how much of your profile is complete.

  • Day #2 - Add/verify your contact information

Ensure your contact information on Bayt.com is verified and current, including your phone number, email address, and social media profiles. Recruiters can't reach you directly with job opportunities without a verified mobile number and email.

What you should do: 

  • Open your Bayt.com app, OR log in to your Bayt.com account
  • Go to your profile tab OR your CV page
  • Scroll down to the "Contact Information'' section
  • Fill out and verify your phone number and email address
  • Day #3 - Make your profile public

Consider your Bayt.com public profile as your online business card or gateway to the job market. Without a public profile, your visibility to employers is limited. Having it allows your profile to appear in employer searches, boosting your chances of being contacted for job opportunities.

What you should do: 

  • Log in to your Bayt.com account
  • Go to your “Account Settings” page
  • Scroll down to the “Public Profile Settings” section
  • Click on the pencil icon, and choose “Active”
  • Day #4 - Add relevant keywords to your CV

Every job listing has specific requirements and expectations. Enhance your Bayt.com profile and CV by including relevant keywords related to your industry, skills, and experience. This optimization increases your chances of getting noticed by recruiters and landing the job you want.

What you should do:

  • Identify keywords by looking at job descriptions of positions you want to apply for. 
  • Utilize these relevant keywords by including them in your skills section and work experience descriptions.
  • Day #5 - Write an appealing personal summary

Include a compelling and professional personal summary in your Bayt.com profile to highlight your achievements, strengths, and career goals. A well-crafted, keyword-rich summary demonstrates to hiring managers that you are focused and genuinely interested in the roles you're applying for.

What you should do:

  • Open your Bayt.com app, OR log in to your Bayt.com account
  • Go to your profile tab OR your CV page
  • Scroll down to the "Preferred Job” section
  • Click on the “pencil icon”, and fill out the “Personal Summary” field

Stay tuned daily for a new challenge that will help you make a splash in the job market. Remember, a little effort goes a long way, and with Bayt.com by your side, that dream job is just a summer breeze away!

Natalie Mahmoud Fawzi Al Saad