Discover Top 5 ‘Data & IT’ Degrees for Guaranteed Job Opportunities!

In today’s digital age, data and information technology (IT) are at the heart of virtually every industry, driving innovation, efficiency, and growth. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a recent graduate, or a professional looking to pivot your career, the right educational path can be your ticket to success in this dynamic field. So, how could this be possible?

Learn about IU International University of Applied Sciences – Germany’s Largest University

Your passport to a global career is an IU degree. With over 20 years of expertise, a vast selection of international bachelor's and master's programs, and a diverse community of more than 100,000 students from 153+ countries, they warmly welcome students from all walks of life. In addition to giving you, subject-specific information and crucial soft skills, IU also adopts a future-focused strategy and incorporates digital tools to better prepare you for the global business environment.

Accredited by several prestigious institutions such as the FIBAA, Cambridge University, WES, and AIU, including rankings from CHE and QS, IU offers 50+ English bachelor, master, and specialized MBA degree programs that are globally recognized.

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Discover Top 5 ‘Data & IT’ Degrees

  1. Data Science (Bachelor | Master): IU’s Data Science program empowers you to unlock the full potential of the digital age. Whether you're starting your educational journey or seeking advanced expertise, our comprehensive online program caters to your needs. In this study program, you will acquire mathematical and statistical knowledge, expertise in different data processing technologies, and an overview of different machine learning techniques. A wide range of electives allows you to expand your knowledge in application areas and to be an expert in this field at the end of your studies.
  2. Cyber Security (Bachelor | Master): Digital tech is booming but with this comes increased threat of cyberattacks and the need for secure systems. There is a huge demand for security experts to identify and defend against cyber-attacks. With IU’s Cyber Security program, you’ll become a specialist in statistical and digital forensic methods and enter an exciting career field that is continually growing in importance. As a cybersecurity specialist, you will protect companies and systems against cyberattacks, secure sensitive data, and ensure all systems run in line with local and international regulations.
  3. Software Development (Bachelor): More and more processes in business and society are based on software systems, and almost every sector is now reliant on them. According to the World Economic Forum, cloud computing, big data analysis, the Internet of Things, IT security, artificial intelligence, e-commerce and virtual reality will determine our future - topics that are all an integral part of your IU International University of Applied Sciences’ distance learning program in software development. You will acquire programming and software engineering skills that will qualify you for key positions in the international IT industry at an affordable price.
  4. Robotics (Bachelor): The IU Bachelor in Robotics builds your knowledge in mechanical, electrical, and control engineering and expertise in computer science, data science, and artificial intelligence. Through a mix of theory and practical projects, you’ll acquire the necessary skills to manage projects, lead innovative new technologies, and become a robotics specialist with excellent interpersonal skills. With this degree, you can enter a truly innovative field and excel in a successful career.
  5. Applied Artificial Intelligence (Bachelor | Master): IU's Artificial Intelligence program will give students the skills to combine older computing techniques and the psychology of human learning processes with new innovations in artificial intelligence in order to apply computing in challenging applications. Knowledge of UI/UX, machine learning, robotics, software and app development, and speech and image processing will make IU's students perfect candidates to join international leaders in Artificial Intelligence technology.

Did you know? 94% of IU's graduates find a job within 3 months of graduation!

Ready to boost your career with IU?

Natalie Mahmoud Fawzi Al Saad