Career Uncovered: Asher Noor, CFO of Morgan Stanley, Saudi Arabia

Career Uncovered: Asher Noor,  CFO of Morgan Stanley, Saudi Arabia

Best career advice I ever got

Be positive and focused at work since you will never really win the lotto.

Favorite Job task I ever had to do Two very different stream of regular tasks readily come to mind (i) Coach, mentor new hires or trainees (ii) Negotiate with auditors, bankers, lawyers

Most dreaded job task I ever had to do

Once when I was asked to represent my ex-employer at a ministerial conference; the meeting was in Arabic while my Arabic vocabulary at that time was barely enough to sustain me.

Best career decision ever made

To leave a comfortable (read, dead-end) job and (successfully) test my candidature in a flat job market.

My Biggest Professional Challenge

It has generally been the case of UAT leading to systems implementation. I need to balance & manage not just the process, but the end result as well as the core team all along.

Icons who have influenced my career progression/Role Models

My parents who are both working professionals.

Most recommended readings (Websites, books) for people interested in my field of work/ industry

Read Atlas Shrugged / The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, but try to do so without practically endorsing the views so magically crafted therein.

In another life, my perfect job would be

Documentary writer / producer / director

My living and working in KSA experience has so far been: an eye-opener

The cities infrastructure is top-notch, the financial services sector is very mature & dealing in all first world financial products.

A successful career thought/ Motto that I live by ( and advise others to consider)

Be as fair (or unfair) to your colleagues at work, as you would want others to treat your kids at work, decades from now.

Roba Al-Assi
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 06/06/2016
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 06/06/2016