1. What are your expectations vis-à-vis the robustness of the regional job market in the petroleum industry for 2009?
We expect that there will still be a great challenge to recruit top notch professionals, especially for experienced engineers. Although, some companies may have been slowing down their activities due to the current economic conditions and oil price decline, but the demand for those professionals will still be highly driven by the fact that many oil and gas companies are optimizing their production capability.
2. How will it differ from 2008 in your opinion?
Although it may mean less recruitment activities as compared to those of 2008, the difference will not be significant especially in the energy sector.
3. How in your opinion does the employment/recruitment situation vary in the GCC region vis-à-vis other markets given the implications of the global financial crisis?
It would vary from country to country and it would also depend on the sectors. For sure, many real estate and construction companies will revise their plans and reschedule their capital intensive projects. This situation will influence the demand for such skill sets as architects and civil engineers, construction skilled and semi-skilled laborers, and so forth.
4. How has Rasgas in particular and the petroleum industry in general been affected by and reacted to the global financial crisis?
In the midst of global financial crisis RasGas is confident that it can keep its expansion plans on track and is able to accomplish the company's projects on time. Also RasGas is committed to supply LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) to its customers around the world in order to meet their requirements based on the long and short terms agreements.
5. Do you think the sources of talent or composition of talent will vary in the Middle East employment marketplace in response to the economic crisis?
It definitely will. For instance, the demand for construction engineers and laborers in Qatar will be higher than that in Dubai as the county is still developing its infra-structure facilities.
6. What are Rasgas Qatar’s recruitment plans for 2009?
We plan to recruit about 600 new employees for various positions.
7. Is there anything that Rasgas will do differently in terms of HR practices in 2009 than it did before?
We will be reviewing our competitiveness as part of the HR activities based on survey data. This will be used as our basis for determining our pay program in order that we stay competitive in our industry.
Chafic K. Kharma Head of Rewards and Policy Human Resources Department RasGas Qatar