Don't Make These Job Seeker Networking Mistakes in 2022

Although the rate of unemployment in the MENA sees a steady decline year on year overall, unfortunately, unemployment still happens. Maybe you have just left education and you are at a loose end, or you’ve lost your job and you’re like - now what?

Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to get employed, and one of those things is to network. In the MENA, getting a job really can be about who you know sometimes, so it’s an important step to take once you have your professional CV sorted out, and you’re ready to push yourself towards a new career path.

Of course, as with everything, there is a right way and a wrong way to network as a job seeker, and the following tips will make sure that you get it done right:

First things first… what is networking?

Networking is where you meet and speak with other people in your industry of choice (this can be multiple industries) including those who could help you to get connected to a job opportunity. It may also be people who can connect you with advantageous training or experience that could advance your career. It can be done in person, online, and using a range of communication and social media tools, as well as additional technologies.

Why network as a job seeker in 2022?

It makes sense to use helpful sites like to find the best jobs in the MENA, but you also need to go get yourself out there to boost your chance of success.

Put simply - networking makes you known to potential employers and to anybody who may wish to recommend you for a job position. In fact, statistics tell us that as many as 70% of jobs are not published on public job sites, and over three-quarters of jobs are filled through recommendations - so it really is about who you know when it comes to getting more of those fantastic job opportunities.

You’re also likely to meet successful peers and others in your industry of interest when you network, which further extends your circle of opportunity and development.

Common job seeker networking mistakes to avoid in 2022

There is a right and a wrong way to network as a job seeker, and by understanding the most common mistakes below, you have a stronger chance of successfully networking and hopefully finding employment soon:

  1. Outdated profile

When you network, the connections that you make will naturally go and check out your online profiles. You’ve kept your online lifestyle clean, you’ve always resigned gracefully so there is nothing to hide. But it is big, but an incomplete profile is as good as a damaging one. A lack of information can be as off-putting as information that is not ideal for employers to have. So, at the beginning of your job seeker journey, and before you network, do ensure you not only have an amazing CV, but also update any online profiles, particularly those that you use for work.

  1. Bad presentation

It is a huge mistake to dress unprofessionally at any event or place you are likely to network as a job seeker. First impressions count, so do wear an outfit that would be suitable for an interview, and that is appropriate for a male or a female in a professional situation whenever you think you could be networking.

  1. Being open to all different networking situations

Networking (especially post Covid-19) can be done in all kinds of ways. Through a forum, through social media chat, in an online video conference, and in person. Being open to all those different ways of networking - even those you find most uncomfortable - means that you open the door to multiple types of career opportunities.

  1. Thinking one networking event will land you a job

Assuming one networking event will get you a job is naive, and unlikely. Networking is a bit of a long game, and it may be that somebody you met months ago remembers you when a job opens up. It may be that it takes a while for you to be in the right place at the right time to meet the right person who opens the right career door.

Be patient and put the time in - networking does take time, but it’s a worthwhile investment of your time, so don’t give up!

  1. Never following up

It is so important to get in touch with a connection after you have spoken to them, particularly if they suggest that you get in touch again in the future. Remember, it is up to you to create opportunities for yourself, not them, so if you want to chase that career dream you need to be making polite follow-ups and checking in on those leads.

  1. Taking an interest in only what you have to gain

It is so important to be polite, personable, and to take a genuine interest in everybody you meet. Coming across like you’re only looking for how a person might be able to help you with your career will be off-putting and may make a person simply feel like a step up and nothing more during your interaction. Ask polite but friendly questions, be open and see the person first, not what they can do for you, and you’ll find you make a much better impression on potential connections overall.

  1. Avoiding asking for a recommendation

The point we just made in number 5 is the first priority when you meet somebody to network, but you do also need to politely ask for a recommendation or other relevant help when the right time comes to do so. It is a case of doing 5 in order to do point 6, and never simply going right in for the kill before doing any groundwork.

  1. Spreading yourself too thin

There are some incredible industries out there, and if you don’t know which industry is right for you, it can be tempting to network in all of them. However, this can mean your search is too vague and people who meet you may feel you’re a little bit too unsure for them to recommend you or hire you. Read our blog on choosing the right career path, and have more of a focus when networking and you will find you have more success in creating meaningful connections overall.

As Albert Einstein said - “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Your perfect career is just around the corner, but first, you have to work hard to make it happen and we’re here to help you every step of the way. And here at, we would love to help you put your best foot forward, so you can get the job you deserve.

Why not add to our online community and share your networking tips in the comment section below?

Dina Al Khatib
  • قام بإعلانها Dina Al Khatib - ‏31/05/2022
  • آخر تحديث: 13/03/2023
  • قام بإعلانها Dina Al Khatib - ‏31/05/2022
  • آخر تحديث: 13/03/2023