5 Tips to Find an Amazing Job in Dubai

So, you’re determined to find a job in the City of Gold, eh? Little more than a desert town in the 1960s, now an ultra-modern, air-conditioned metropolis as well as one of Bayt.com’s original hometowns… Dubai is foretold to never close its doors on fortune seekers.

Actually, I have no idea whether that’s true or not. But it sure does seem that way, doesn’t it? Needless to say, demand often outweighs supply in Dubai – not because of a lack of applicants, but because of a lack of applicants who are able to meet the city’s high professional standards.

Not a cause for concern, anyway. After all, this very blog post is about to show you the ropes. And before long, you’ll know how to land your dream job – right in the bustling heart of UAE’s wealthiest and most popular emirate if need be.

(Hate your current job? We’ve all been there. Don’t let that be the case going forward into the new year. Here’s what to do if you’re caught in this all-too-common predicament.)

Why you should consider Dubai

There are many benefits that come along with working in the vibrant and culturally melting pot that is Dubai. Here are a couple to validate your probably-already-existing interest:

  • No taxation without representation! Other than tax-free income, I don’t know what an American colonist grievance from the late 1700s has to do with working in Dubai. Think the history nerd in me might be taking over.
  • Ease of transport. Dubai has a great public transportation system. You’ll be pleased to learn that you’re in for a very scenic commute to and from work!
  • Good healthcare system. A high standard of medical care makes Dubai’s public health system one of the world’s best.
  • Entertainment everywhere you go. There is no scarcity of options when it comes to having an enjoyable time out in the city. Whatever is on your mind (for the most part), you’ll probably find shipfuls of it readily available.
  • Diversity rules. You’ll find that countries from almost every corner of the world have had a hand in making Dubai the cultural hodgepodge that it is.

Much more perks await those who are seriously planning to move to Dubai.

  1. Where to keep an eye out for jobs

Naturally, there is no better place to start than the Bayt.com search directory. While perusing a job site may sometimes feel like a wild goose chase, it is always a good place to start – if only to have an idea of what vacancies are available and which industries and companies are actively recruiting.

  1. Stand out with your resume or CV

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the #1 way to landing a job is having an airtight first impression – at least in a professional sense. Meaning, having a powerful CV. There’s no shortage of advice – on Bayt.com or elsewhere – on how to spruce up your online equivalent of a professional first impression.

Here’s a brief run-through of the most important guidelines to follow:

  • No generic phrases
  • Personalize it to the job you’re applying to. Yes, you’ll have to do it every time. Pro tip: I’d bet my morning cup of coffee that almost nobody does this, so if you do it, you might as well hack their database and add yourself to their employee directory. (No, don’t do that)
  • Feeling extra confident? Change the format altogether and do a video resume. Not only will you automatically capture any hiring manager’s attention, but you’ll also give them “early bird access” to see you live and in action. (Yes, it’ll be a prerecorded video, but compared with text on a screen… there’s no, uh, comparison.)
  • Proofread, proofread, proffered (see what I did there?)
  • Or… get it professionally written for you!
  1. Reach out to people in your network

“It’s not what you know. It’s who you know”, while still partially incorrect, rings true to this day. Networking will always play a major role in landing the job you desire, in Dubai and anywhere else. While the myth that “80 percent of job listings are never made public and are only filled through word-of-mouth or referrals” still pervades the job search market, it is still worthwhile to spend time talking to people who “know someone who knows someone”, so to speak… ‘cause if nothing else works, this might. (Not that you should leave it till the very end, but you get the idea.)

Remember: most of your conversations will lead nowhere, but all it takes is just one serendipitous response to net you a dream opportunity.

  1. Brush up on your cover letter writing skills

Or get one written for you! (I know, that’s shameless plug #2. Sorry to disappoint. One can’t just miss the opportunity!)

As with your CV, you should always personalize your cover letters for every job application. Templates, while tempting, are contemptible (puns intended). Not to offend template users and those who swear by proven frameworks… but the thing is, genius often shows up in the process of unplanned creativity. (How’s that for a quote?)

Besides, writing a cover letter that’s applicable only to the position lets you run wild with your passion and will jack up your chances of resonating with the hiring manager. It’ll take some extra time and effort on your part, but it’ll make you that much more likely for them to reach out. The feeling you’ll get when you get just as an impassioned response (unless you’re applying to a company of uptight “professionals”) is worth it. Promise.

  1. Follow through with the famous Latin proverb…

“Fortune favors the strong.”

It’ll take some Herculean effort on your part but apply as often and as much as you can. It can always be the next application that hits home and actually makes that almost surreal shift from the vortex that is a job hunt to actually securing your first paycheck. In other words, your qualifications and work experience will always give you the greatest push through the sludge, but there is always that smidgeon of luck running in the background.

That is to say, go deep down the rabbit hole with your search. Apply to anything that feels like you’d do (and be) well at. Leave no stone unturned. Make sure you’ve looked at every nook and cranny that you could possibly look at. Inspect everything. It can always be the next application. Be careful, however, not to flirt with burnout if you feel that you’re losing steam. Always take breaks when necessary.

The Dubai marketplace… an impossible veil to penetrate?

Not so. With a dash of talent, a stroke of luck, and a strong work ethic, I believe that you – my friend – shall prevail. Do not lose heart. Your time will come. Just keep at it, and don’t hesitate to step away from the screen to recuperate. Expansion always comes after contraction.
Want more guidelines on landing your dream job? I’d suggest jumping right in.

Mohamad Osman
  • قام بإعلانها Mohamad Osman - ‏02/01/2022
  • آخر تحديث: 02/01/2022
  • قام بإعلانها Mohamad Osman - ‏02/01/2022
  • آخر تحديث: 02/01/2022