Need a Productivity Boost? 5 Tips That Actually Work

High productivity is probably one of the most important aspects of professional careers but with so many distractions around us, how do we ensure we’re doing things right? We’ve all Googled how to focus better, how to stop using social media during work, how to manage time …etc., so, if you get one thing out of this blog let it be that you’re not alone on this journey - we’ve all been there!

To help make life a little bit easier for everyone, we’ve put together a list of top tips we’ve gathered from books, online sources, or just simple life experiences. Get your pen/phone out and jot these down:

  • The 3-second rule:

If you want to get something done and can feel the urge to procrastinate creeping along, the 3-second rule is your go-to. The name gives it away, all you have to do is give yourself 3 seconds to start doing the task you’re dreading. By doing so, you’re not giving yourself time to overthink, and it will be easier for your brain to simply act.

  • The 1-3-5 rule:

This rule acknowledges that no one can do everything all at once. Instead, aim to get 1 big thing, 3 medium things, and 5 small things done each day.

  • Zone out:

Ever had that feeling where you’re just completing task after task? Well, from personal experience, we’ve found that a great soundtrack helps eliminate exterior distractions and works wonders. Get whatever it is that helps you, whether that's music, podcasts, etc., and get going.

  • The 4 am club:

Getting into the routine of waking up early can do wonders for your productivity. 4 am gives you hours ahead of anyone else to get tasks done and start the day on a high note. You’ll be ahead of the game when everyone else is still asleep.

  • Laugh it off:

Laughing really is the best medicine. If you’re having fun doing something, chances are high you’ll do it well. Loving what you do and the people you’re doing it with will make the task 100 times easier.

There you have it! Our top 5 tips for being more productive and getting things done. Let’s hope we’ll all dread the daily to-do list a little less after this. Comment your thoughts on the tips mentioned and let us know if you have any more of your own. We’d love to hear your secrets to staying ahead!

Samantha Hamed
  • قام بإعلانها Samantha Hamed - ‏29/12/2021
  • آخر تحديث: 29/12/2021
  • قام بإعلانها Samantha Hamed - ‏29/12/2021
  • آخر تحديث: 29/12/2021