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I would like to thank for posting my CV through which I got an excellent offer. I am truly thankful and greatly honored to be part of RMJM. As a new Office Administrator, I will do my best to help and assist the management as well as manage well the staff for the benefit of the company.
Hossam el-din Gebaly
RMJM · Administration
I am thankful to bayt for forwarding my CV which led in getting me a job I wished for. I encourage more and more job hunters to enroll in bayt so that your CV lands in the company you applied for. Thank you, Sudip Dewan.
sudip dewan
اولا احب ابداء قصتي بالسلام على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم افضل البشر بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم احب اشكر موقع بيت.كوم لماحققه من انجازات وهو افضل موقع متثدم ومتصدر على المواقع بفضل الله ثم بفضل بيت.كوم تم التواصل معي من قبل شركه الجفالي للسيارات المرسيدس لاكون بمنصب مهندس مبيعات وتم اخذ جميع بياناتي من قبل موقع.كوم المتقدم و المتطور اللذي يسعى لتطوير…
حميد العنزي
شركه ابراهي الحفالي للمرسيدس · Sales
I am currently working at Burhan Technology Company in Sales. The opportunity came through and i have thoroughly enjoyed working with them so far. Thanks for making things possible for me Bayt.
sahil kadri
Burhan Technology Company · Sales
I got offer.
Rahul GopalakrishnaPillai
Tata Consultancy Services · Information Technology
I have recently joined in Shopia General Trading LLC. They contacted me through bayt and it was overall a quick process. It is a great company. I am learning so many things here and hope this good work culture will remain the same. I recommend to all.
Shopia General Trading LLC · Accounting and Auditing
On Sunday 31st of January, I had an interview with Ms. Hala AbouZaid , the Talent Acquisition & Recruitment supervisor in HB , then an interview with Mr. Atef Saad , the Costing Manager, and then i was asked to wait for a feedback. On 23rd of February, I had my second row of interviews, Technical interview with Mr. Alaa Mesbah , the Accounting Manager…
hussein hamdy
Halwani Brothers · Accounting and Auditing
Thanks to for posting my CV, I got a new job as a chef, Thank you so much Bayt!
Byron Jone Pellejera
omnia gourmet & yummy chain two restaurant · Management
I'm 60yr old I started medical profession since 1981 soon I promoted 15yr ago as Ped and Neo consultant lastly I joined bayt for better chance 2 mon ago I received approval from Alomoma hospital thanks to bayt
ahmad abhar
AlOmoma hospital kuwait · Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing
I got hired by Kuwait College of Science & technology as a Accountant through Thanks for this oppurtunity.
Kuwait College of Science & technology · Accounting and Auditing
After about 6 years of using, for a second time in a row I got a job offer through my application on I got a job at Dabur Egypt as a Human Resources Executive since October 2015 Thank You
Mohab El Gazzar, HRBP
Dabur Egypt Ltd · Human Resources and Recruitment
على النجاح و التقدم نحو الأمام . - أعبر عن مدى شكري واعتزازي لجهودهم العظيمة التي جهدهم من أجل الشركة و تطور العمل . - بيت كوم هو طوق النجاة الذي يلجأ اليه جميع العاملين للنجاة من الفشل و الوقع في الأخطاء العملية فشكرأ لكم . - نشكر الشركة الفاضل على مساندتهم طول الفترة الماضية و استمرارهم معنا و ونصحه لنا لنكون العاملين أكثر نجاحاً و كفاءة . - ندعو…
Hadeel Nawafleh
bayt · Information Technology
Greetings Fellow Job Seekers! Dreams do come true! I will admit at times it feels like you almost want to give up. It isn't great for the confidence level to receive a string of rejections. Been there, done that! I even commented in our household, "how much longer do I continue to bang my head against the wall?" Then, it doesn't help when you receive…
Lois Faith Ratchford
Niagara College - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia · Teaching and Academics
Within 1 week of applying, i got a great offer from ERE Homes in sale . Thank you Bayt for this opportunity.
Robin Jose
ERE Homes · Sales
Having used made my job search a lot easier and hassle free. It helped me reach out to good employers without the need of sweating out in the sun to look for a great companies. It helped me land a job that was exactly what I was looking for. Definitely a fantastic experience. Thanks Bayt! Cheers!
Lolito Torrano
MARKA PJSC · Management

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